"Now comes a fine addition to the most intelligent and imaginative children's books about making sense of death -- the crowning jewel of them all, even." -- Maria Popova, Brain Pickings "Rich and affecting." -- Mark Levine, The New York Times "In this empathic picture book, [...] Pardi creates a cozy, lived-in ambiance in her pencil and watercolor art." Publishers Weekly "The removal of any parental buffer in this episode reinforces the salutary suggestion that children are resilient enough to be in death's presence without fear. [...] Gentle, wistful reading for times of imminent loss." Kirkus Reviews

Aware their grandmother is gravely ill, four siblings make a pact to keep death from taking her away. But Death does arrive all the same, as it must. He comes gently, naturally. And he comes with enough time to share a story with the children that helps them to realize the value of loss to life and the importance of being able to say goodbye. Glenn Ringtved is a best-selling and award-winning Danish children's author, whose books have been widely translated. Charlotte Pardi is a well-beloved Danish illustrator, who has created numerous books since her first picture book in 2000. Robert Moulthrop is a published playwright. He lives in Greenwich Village, New York City.
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A beautiful, sensitive picture book about being able to say goodbye to those we love, while holding them in memory.
Social Media Review copies to blogs, trade, and consumer media Robert (editor/adapter) and his agent Joanne are deeply into this book. They have been going to Death Cafes for over a year to establish a foot in those communities. They have also been reaching out to local libraries, schools, and funeral homes. They will expend a lot of energy and thought on behalf of this book and its marketing.
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Enchanted Lion Books
392 gr
303 mm
220 mm
12 mm
J, 02
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Om bidragsyterne

Glen Ringtved: Glen Ringtved is a best-selling Danish children's author, whose books have been widely translated. Charlotte Pardi: Charlotte Pardi is a well-beloved Danish illustrator, who has created numerous books since her first picture book in 2000. Robert Moulthrop, an award-winning author and playwright, lives and works in New York City. Two short story collections--To Tell You The Truth and Elvis's Dog...Moonbeam--have been critically acclaimed. Jack, The Prince of Ireland, his play for children, was first performed at Manhattan Children's Theatre.