"In order to heal and thrive, every adopted child needs a coherent 'story' of this journey, starting as soon as possible in an age-appropriate way. The Blanket Bears doesn't minimise the adverse experiences from which children have been removed for their safety, but provides a gentle yet honest account of the adoption journey, upon which further conversations between adopters and their young children can be built." - Clinical Psychologist Dr Meryl Forse, a specialist working with adopted children and families ; "Adopted children need to make sense of the past, to recognise its legacy, and to form their own identity. All of us who want a safe way to help young children come to terms with being adopted will enjoy sharing this book with our 'little bears'." Sue Armstrong Brown, Chief Executive of Adoption UK ; "What a wonderful book! It doesn't shy away from difficult or adverse topics but presents them in a gentle and empathetic way" - @thelittleliterarysociety on Instagram ; "It is a wonderful exploration of the world of adoption and introduces life, story and work in a subtle, yet poignant manner" - @kerlindamian on Instagram ; "There is no use of the term "mum and dad", just simply "parents", making the book inclusive and reflective of all families" - @samesexparents on Instagram ‘A gentle and heartfelt story, by an author whose own experience is self-evident.’ BookTrust