"Combine a cuddly purple dragon, much sharing of cookies, abundant humor, and two distinct and appealing heroines, and you have a royal winner."
“[...] tells a story filled with sweetness and snark that should appeal to fans of all ages.”
School Library Journal
"Meant for kids ages 9-12 but lovely at any age, Katie O’Neill’s <i>Princess Princess Ever After</i> is a lively graphic normal that eschews stereotypes about ‘damsels in distress’ while maintaining the whimsy of fairy tales."
<i>"Princess Princess Ever After</i> is a wonderful story that’s great for any comics readers among you, as well as a great gift for any young comics readers in your life of any gender. If you’re looking for a quality story featuring LGBTQIA characters, consider picking this one up!”
The Mary Sue
"<i>Princess Princess Ever After</i> is as bright, sweet and positive a fairy tale as you could hope to read, a big-hearted fable where the boxes we're expected to fit into are simply dragons to be slain."
- John Allison, author of GIANT DAYS,