“Cartoonist Hendrix’s first collection is an amusing and sensitive exploration of Christian belief...In a masterful avoidance of treacle, Hendrix probes tender ideas like seeing God in emptiness and ugliness, the challenge of loving the outsider, and cosmic insignificance...Hendrix portrays a surprising range of emotions with his simple character drawings...The handwritten text adds a charming earnestness...It’s a delightful trove that’ll provoke reflection and grins.”
Publishers Weekly
“John Hendrix makes a great case that the Holy Ghost is still worth your time. In his winsome new graphic novel,<i>‘</i>The Holy Ghost,’<i> </i>introduces us to a spirit who is charming, approachable and insightful...he does for this underrated part of the Godhead what Charles M. Schulz did for beagles.”
St. Louis Public Radio