"An almost <b>Dirty Harry</b>-esque tale of police revenge." - <i>MajorSpoilers.com</i><br /><br />"Interesting and brimming with a fresh style[...] a great, and fast read that is truly compelling.” - <i>Multiversity Comics</i><br /><br /><i>"</i>[<i>Her</i><b><i></i></b><i>shey</i>] has given weight to a character who was always in the background, whose motivations and fears were rarely given move then a furrowed brow or slight snarl." - <i>Comicsthegathering.com</i><br /><br />"<i>Hershey </i>is a striking reading experience, it’s disturbing and hopeful at the same time, hopeful in the case of some justice being served." - <i>Multiversity Comics</i>
"Cold, brutal, cinematic, exhilarating, and stunning artistically... 9/10" - Comicon
Om bidragsyterne
Rob Williams is the writer of Suicide Squad and Martian Manhunter for DC Comics, Unfollow for Vertigo and Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor for Titan Comics. His previous work for 2000 AD includes Judge Dredd: Titan, The Grievous Journey Of Ichabod Azrael (And The Dead Left In His Wake) and The Ten-Seconders, and he is currently writing Roy of the Rovers for Rebellion.Simon Fraser is best known to 2000 AD fans as the co-creator of Russian rogue Nikolai Dante, whose adventures have been a staple of the comic since his debut in 1997. Fraser is also the co-creator of Family in the Judge Dredd Megazine, and has drawn Judge Dredd and Shimura. His best-known non-2000 AD work is Lux & Alby: Sign On and Save the Universe, a collaboration with Scottish post-punk author Martin Millar. He is currently working on an adaptation of Richard Matheson’s Hell House and is also writing and drawing Lilly Mackenzie and the Mines of Charybdis.