<p>“A holiday treat." –SYFY Wire<br />
<p>“Almost all American satire today follows a formula that Harvey Kurtzman thought up. —Richard Corlis, Time Magazine<br />
<p>"Kurtzman was a God!" —Terry Gilliam<br />
<p>“It’s the chance to see Kurtzman’s earliest plans for A Christmas Carol finally come to life." –io9<br />
<p>“To me (and many others) Harvey was like a Pied Piper. He would whistle and we would follow him anywhere. Even the rewarding life at Mad that I’ve had these past sixty years would never have come about if it weren’t for its creator, Harvey." —Al Jaffee, Mad Magazine</p>
<p>“For fans of great comics, Christmas has come early.. . . Mouth-watering for students and admirers of the craft of cartooning. . . . The finished product is holiday magic, and one page, in particular, catches the eye. It’s brilliantly laid out, and made all the more notable because Kurtzman didn’t actually do the layout for it, it’s a Kendall original that pays tribute to Kurtzman by being so clever that you’d think the legend had created it himself." --NEW YORK MAGAZINE/VULTURE<br />