“Astro Boy meets The Iron Giant, a sweet, funny,
action-packed story for every sci-fi loving young reader!" ---FAITH ERIN HICKS
(The Nameless City Trilogy, Avatar: The Last Airbender)<br />
<p>"...a great and fun pickup for young comics fans with a whole lot of heart" -- The Beat</p>
"The anime-inspired blend of martial arts, sf
dystopia, and cosmic fantasy is energized by high-octane action and character
expression...Good, weird fun that middle-grade readers will adore." --
<i>Booklist</i><br />
“A boon for the misfits, screwballs, weirdos,
outsiders, newcomers, and nonconformists. If you've ever felt like you don't
check the right boxes, like you don't belong, or like you aren't good enough-and
who hasn't?-Everyday Hero Machine Boy is for you.” ---KELLY SUE DeCONNICK
(Pretty Deadly, Captain Marvel)<br />