"To Boogyman from ABLAZE was real good. Lots of promise."-ComicsDepartment<br />
“Ablaze Comics has been bringing us some interesting comics latelyand this one has piqued our curiousity.” -popculturesquad<br />
“MUST READ Small Press Pick of the Week. 10/10. The story was SOgood. You will not regret picking up this book.”-thhecomixqueen/shortboxed<br />
"I kicked off NCBD with Boogyman #1 from @Ablazepub and listen...I'malready ? emotionally ? invested. Protect these sweet baby angels at all costs(even if a couple might have nefarious pasts, lol!) -Ellenotexactlylegit<br />
"Salvia and Djet leave things off with a thrilling cliffhanger that grabsthe reader and leaves them begging for more. A great start to an exciting newbook that everyone should be reading."--https://thetelltalemind.com/<br /><br />
"This was presented well with the amazing cover art and the solicit! Thenyou read the story and YOU WANT MORE! This team did an amazing job putting thisissue together. Ya'll have me hooked." - JessePOV<br />