"Magic, murder, and Mississippi mud. <i>Blue Hand Mojo </i>is a comic book unlike anything you've been reading. Set in 1931 Chicago where the shadow of Al Capone still looms, Half-Dead Johnson has to solve a murder with the devil on his tail. This is a book to watch."-- Justin Jordan, <i>The Legacy of Luther Strode</i><p>"<i>Blue Hand Mojo</i> is a delicious, riveting blend of steamy noir and conjure-man hoodoo mayhem. Utterly brilliant."--Daniel Jose Older, <i>Shadowshaper</i><i><br /></i></p><p>"John Jennings has crafted a graphic novel that puts on the page what is missing from so many other comics--heart and soul."--David Walker, <i>Power Man and Iron Fist</i></p>