This sunshine story about Sarah Loveday, a woman fleeing a life of crisis at home for a second chance on a beautiful Greek island, will provide a warm glow
Sunday Post
An uplifting novel about love, friendship and new beginnings
Eastern Daily Press
<b>PRAISE FOR LEAH FLEMING</b>: 'A born storyteller' Kate Atkinson. 'Whether you're dreaming of your first trip to the Greek islands or, like me, dreaming of returning one day, <i>The Olive Garden Choir</i> is the ideal book to conjure up the unique atmosphere of that lovely part of the world' What Cathy Read Next. 'It's a moving and compelling story about a lifetime's journey in search of the truth' Rachel Hore. 'Fascinating and unputdownable' Trisha Ashley. 'A fabulous story of people, places and pearls from a master storyteller'
Lancashire Post