Wendig tackles what is quite possibly the trickiest novel to navigate since <i>Heir to the Empire</i> with confidence and precision, introducing new characters and concepts while retaining the jury-rigged, gung-ho swagger of the original trilogy. Roll on chapter 2.
Jedi News
Do yourself a favour, you don’t want to be suffering from Jedi fatigue come December, avoid any further trailers for the new film and read this instead. Wendig has achieved an accomplishment I thought nigh on impossible. He has written a novel that has left me actively salivating for the next Star Wars movie. Well played Mr Wendig, well played. Turns out, thirty two years later, I haven’t changed a bit; I am still completely in thrall to my childhood favourites. If <i>The Force Awakens</i> manages to capture the same sense of adventure that is on display here, then the future of Star Wars is in safe hands
The Eloquent Page
highly readable, sharp continuation of the saga
Sci-Fi Bulletin
Chuck has kept the spirit of the original Star Wars movies – that cheesiness and goofiness we all loved so much – but at the same time made sure there is enough realism and grittiness so that it appeals to the tastes of readers today. 10/10
Fantsy Fiction
It's clear from the start that Wendig really gets Star Wars, he manages to immerse the reader into that unique Star Wars feeling right from the start. The ambience is spot on. <b>Aftermath </b>is full of the strange creatures and dusty technology that helps to make up the Star Wars universe. He then populates this canvas with intriguing, lively, thoughtful characters that fit into the spaces seamlessly…The ending, when it comes is just superb and does what a book should, leave you wanting more - such as figuring out just who is really in charge of the remnants of the Empire. Star Wars <b>Aftermath </b>almost makes up for that sweeping canon reset, a few more like this and Disney will be completely forgiven. A wonderful Star Wars adventure by a gifted author. 5 *