Painstakingly imagined and crackling with narrative velocity, it's a Dracula for the new millennium, a "Hansel and Gretel" for grownups, a reminder of how much fun fiction can be. -- Anthony Doerr, author of All The Light We Cannot See, winner of the Pulitzer Prize All the intelligence and linguistic dazzle of a David Mitchell novel, but this one will also creep the pants off you ... you won't be able to put this book down. -- Adam Johnson, author of Fortune Smiles and The Orphan Master's Son, Winner of the Pulitzer Prize An eerie haunted-house tale ... a spellbinding chiller about an unnatural greed for life and the arrogance of power. -- Dean Koontz Sharp, fast, flat-out spooky ... a hypnotic read -- Daniel Handler, NYT bestselling author of We Are Pirates and the Lemony Snicket series Mitchell has long been acknowledged as one of the finest - if not the finest - literary minds of his generation; but he's also one of the most suspenseful ... I read in a constant state of terror and joy and could not turn the pages fast enough. -- Joe Hill, NYT bestselling author of NOS4A2 and Horns Fans of The Bone Clocks and Cloud Atlas will recognize the interlocking narrative structure and literary-fantastical bent ... who doesn't want to just drink up all of Mitchell's writing? Library Journal Plants died, milk curdled, and my children went slightly feral as I succumbed to the creepy magic of David Mitchell's Slade House. It's a wildly inventive, chilling, and-for all its other-worldiness-wonderfully human haunted house story. I plan to return to its clutches quite often. Gillian Flynn, author of Gone Girl Prepare to be dazzled. Tatler A ripping little Victorian gothic yarn, and one of which @edgarallenpoe would have been proud. Esquire

This special edition of SLADE HOUSE, limited to 1,500 copies, is signed and numbered by the author. It has a uniquely designed cover, endpapers and slipcase, is bound with head and tail bands, and comes with a ribbon. Born out of the short story David Mitchell published on Twitter in 2014 and inhabiting the same universe as his latest bestselling novel The Bone Clocks, this is the perfect book to curl up with on a dark and stormy night. Turn down Slade Alley - narrow, dank and easy to miss, even when you're looking for it. Find the small black iron door set into the right-hand wall. No handle, no keyhole, but at your touch it swings open. Enter the sunlit garden of an old house that doesn't quite make sense; too grand for the shabby neighbourhood, too large for the space it occupies. A stranger greets you by name and invites you inside. At first, you won't want to leave. Later, you'll find that you can't. This unnerving, taut and intricately woven tale by one of our most original and bewitching writers begins in 1979 and reaches its turbulent conclusion around Hallowe'en, 2015. Because every nine years, on the last Saturday of October, a 'guest' is summoned to Slade House. But why has that person been chosen, by whom and for what purpose? The answers lie waiting in the long attic, at the top of the stairs...
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Prepare to be chilled, electrified and entertained - a gem of a novel from 'one of the most brilliantly inventive writers of this, or any country' (Independent).
An eerie haunted-house tale . . . a spellbinding chiller about an unnatural greed for life and the arrogance of power.All the intelligence and linguistic dazzle of a David Mitchell novel, but this one will also creep the pants off you . . . you won't be able to put this book down.Fans of The Bone Clocks and Cloud Atlas will recognize the interlocking narrative structure and literary-fantastical bent . . . who doesn't want to just drink up all of Mitchell's writing? - Library Journal
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David Mitchell is the author of the novels Ghostwritten, number9dream, Cloud Atlas, Black Swan Green, The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet and The Bone Clocks. He has won the John Llewellyn Rhys, Geoffrey Faber Memorial and South Bank Show Literature Prizes, and been shortlisted twice for the Booker Prize. In 2003, David Mitchell was selected as one of Granta's Best of Young British Novelists.