Painstakingly imagined and crackling with narrative velocity, it's a Dracula for the new millennium, a "Hansel and Gretel" for grownups, a reminder of how much fun fiction can be. -- Anthony Doerr, author of All The Light We Cannot See, winner of the Pulitzer Prize All the intelligence and linguistic dazzle of a David Mitchell novel, but this one will also creep the pants off you ... you won't be able to put this book down. -- Adam Johnson, author of Fortune Smiles and The Orphan Master's Son, Winner of the Pulitzer Prize An eerie haunted-house tale ... a spellbinding chiller about an unnatural greed for life and the arrogance of power. -- Dean Koontz Sharp, fast, flat-out spooky ... a hypnotic read -- Daniel Handler, NYT bestselling author of We Are Pirates and the Lemony Snicket series Mitchell has long been acknowledged as one of the finest - if not the finest - literary minds of his generation; but he's also one of the most suspenseful ... I read in a constant state of terror and joy and could not turn the pages fast enough. -- Joe Hill, NYT bestselling author of NOS4A2 and Horns Fans of The Bone Clocks and Cloud Atlas will recognize the interlocking narrative structure and literary-fantastical bent ... who doesn't want to just drink up all of Mitchell's writing? Library Journal Plants died, milk curdled, and my children went slightly feral as I succumbed to the creepy magic of David Mitchell's Slade House. It's a wildly inventive, chilling, and-for all its other-worldiness-wonderfully human haunted house story. I plan to return to its clutches quite often. Gillian Flynn, author of Gone Girl Prepare to be dazzled. Tatler A ripping little Victorian gothic yarn, and one of which @edgarallenpoe would have been proud. Esquire