"Roberts is arguing for a truly 'high art,' forged out of gender theory and the highly popular Trek episodes. But it is not only high art she is talking about; it is the cultural history of our century."-Donald M. Hassler, editor of Extrapolation: The Journal of Science Fiction and Fantasy Studies "A new and worthwhile addition... The issues raised in this book, and on the show itself, are certainly valid and offer a rich field for discussion." - Science Fiction Research Association "Roberts has put together a thorough, rigorous, and insightful analysis of gender in The Next Generation, covering both the elements that imagine a different space-time and the contradictions that derive from contemporary sociopolitical norms... An ideal book to use in courses that address contemporary television, science fiction, media feminism, and, of course, Star Trek." -- Daniel Bernardi, Science Fiction Studies ADVANCE PRAISE "Roberts is a superb explicator of Star Trek: The Next Generation, offering stunning analyses of the figures of the female ruler, the perfect female mate, the female alien as a reworking of the story of the tragic mulatto, and the antiromance perspective of the rape episodes."-Jane Donawerth, author of Frankenstein's Daughters: Women Writing Science Fiction