The riveting true story of a ranger taking the fight to the enemies of our country.
- Michael A. Kelso, Command Sergeant Major (RET.), Rhodesian Commando, and U.S. Army Ranger,
A gripping account of the journey of a Ranger from a private to a platoon sergeant in the 75th Ranger Regiment.
- Howard "Mad Max" Mullen, Master Sergeant (Ret.), 2013 Army Ranger Hall of Fame and 2013 Distinguished Member of the Ranger Training Brigade,
Nick Moore tells the story of a band of American sons who willingly make it their choice to run to the sound of guns. Ugly, brutal, and straightforward, Nick Moore's story is worth your time.
- Matt Eversmann, Author of The Battle of Mogadishu,
Our nation has little knowledge of the brave men and women who have kept the wolf at bay and this book gives us a glimpse of the unsung leadership and sacrifice of the modern U.S. Army Ranger.
- Karl Monger, U.S. Army Ranger and Founder and Executive Officer of GallantFew,
The searing account of Nicholas Moore's decade-plus service as a Ranger. The firefights are close-up and personal: You can literally smell the cordite, blood and fear."
- Chris Cocks, Rhodesian Light Infantry and Author of Fireforce
In this day and age, few of us can begin to comprehend the determination and sacrifice of the modern warrior. Every American should read this book.
- Noam Dromi, Writer and Executive Producer, Ghost Recon Wildlands: War Within the Cartel