Daily Express
<b><i>Crime</i> is by some distance Welsh's most restrained and thoughtful work</b>
The Times
You never know what you're going to get with Irvine Welsh, other than guaranteed intelligence. <b>But what you get in <i>Crime </i>is a triumph... There's only one Welsh and you should be reading him again</b>
Welsh writes with a skill, wit and compassion that amounts to <b>genius. He is the best thing that has happened to British writing for decades</b>
Sunday Times
<b>If you like your crime dramas Scottish and sweary, this one's for you</b>
Evening Standard
<b><i>Trainspotting</i> is the best book ever written </b>by man or woman... <b>Deserves to sell more copies than the Bible</b>
Rebel Inc
Irvine Welsh is more than happy to assault current shibboleths…<b> unsparing… caustic stuff..</b> those who relish his unvarnished, in-your-face narratives will get more than their money’s worth
Financial Times
<i>Resolution</i> continues the industrially gritty travails of Ray Lennox… slowly developing into <b>one of Welsh’s most enigmatic, enduring and intriguing characters</b>
Scotland on Sunday
Welsh’s crime trilogy reaches a <b>grisly </b>conclusion in this revenge tragedy… [the] <b>plot twists keep the pages turning</b>
Mail on Sunday
<b>There’s no denying…[Welsh’s] ability</b> to plum the more toxic reaches of masculinity and the nightmares they conceal
The Times