I absolutely loved this sequel. I think I actually like it even more than the first! The LGBT representation was on point. The pirates and adventure were fantastic without ever making it feel like the stakes were high.<b> You always feel safe with these characters which is why I love them</b>
- Chad, from Goodreads,
Mist floating over a river at dawn, golden light filtering through pine trees, late-night auroras, mountainscapes, and two women utterly devoted to each other adventuring through it all by griffon, ship, and horseback (though begrudgingly the latter for poor Kianthe), <b><i>A Pirate's Life for Tea </i>was a heart pounding and delightful sequel to <i>Can't Spell Treason Without Tea</i></b>
- T., from Goodreads,
<b>It's wonderful, cozy queer joy</b>. It is truly special
- Emma, from Goodreads,