<b>Excellent</b>... [Hermione] <b>Lee is a perfect choice as Fitzgerald's biographer. She has done a superb job</b>, capturing an elusive personality and a complex, sometimes rather harrowing story.
- Philip Hensher, Guardian
<b>Lee elucidates the depth of [Fitzgerald's] achievement</b>, and ties it enthrallingly to a life and personality more complex and difficult than anyone imagined. In a<b> perfect literary biography</b>, Lee plumbs the creative mind beneath that persona, <b>tracing the metamorphosis of messy experience into crystalline art.</b>
Financial Times
<b>Brilliant and passionate</b>...a haunting tale of blighted hope, personal tragedy and rare, late fulfilment. <b>Thanks to this sympathetic biography, [Fitzgerald's] afterlife shows signs of becoming finally blessed with understanding, admiration and respect</b>.
- Robert McCrum, Observer
<b>Admirable and perceptive</b>... Hermione Lee non-judgmentally excavates this extraordinary life. <b>Her biography is very good indeed</b>
- Susan Hill, The Times
<b>A worthy monument to one of the finest English novelists of the second half of the 20th century</b>
- Jonathan Derbyshire, Prospect
<b>Adroitly executed and meticulously researched</b>... <b>insightful</b>... Ms Lee's shrewd examination makes this a <b>riveting</b> biography
<b>Lee's absorbing biography is the story of a late starter</b>... [She] is partisan in her project: <b>she means to expose a truth she is certain of -- that Fitzgerald is "a great English writer". Her feat is to have woven an involving narrative out of such a skeletal life</b>....Excellent....
- Nicholas Shakespeare, Telegraph
<b>This book will hold insights and treats for any admirer of [Fitzgerald's] fiction, and recruit converts to this reticent, witty, ferocious champion of the utterly downtrodden</b>.
- Emma Townshend, Independent
Her book is in <b>the very best tradition of critical literary biography</b>.<b> Phenomenally well researched and elegantly written, with a fine, dynamic fluency and lucid understanding, this is a very good biography indeed.</b>
The Tablet
This elegant, richly researched biography tells a tale of misfortunes borne with dignity, humour and courage, and finally of quiet triumphs
- Michèle Roberts, i
The literary biography of the year
- Philip Hensher, Spectator
A perfect match of author and subject
- Leo Robson, New Statesman
Lee’s book has had more influence on my reading than anything else this year
- John Lanchester, Guardian
A compelling account of the life and work of Penelope Fitzgerald
- Mark Lawson, Guardian
A masterly discussion of the work of that fine novelist and an illuminating account of the life of a complex and elusive person
- Penelope Lively, Guardian