<b>Praise for <i>Million Mile Road Trip: </i></b><br /> <br /> "<b>Tipping his hat to Thomas Pynchon, Jack Kerouac, and Douglas Adams</b>, Rucker immerses readers in <b>a fantastical roadtrip adventure that’s a wild ride of unmitigated joy</b>. . . . he ties everything together with internal consistency, playful use of language that keeps his ideas alien yet accessible, and a solid grounding in fourth-dimensional math. <b>This wacky adventure is a geeky reader’s delight</b>."—<i>Publishers Weekly</i>, <b>starred review</b><br /><br /> "One of those journey-means-more-than-the-destination kind of things — <b>a true road trip novel</b> — <b>with Rucker just letting it all hang out</b> . . . <b>you just jump in and hang on</b>, warmed by the goofball joy of it all, buoyed up by the high, jazz-cat bebop of the language, the glazed stoner rhythms. And <b>by the end of it, your mind will be inevitably expanded—open to the possibility of almost anything.</b>" —Jason Sheehan, <i>NPR</i><br /> <br /> "<b>Rucker has outdone himself in creating the most bizarre and surreal and overstuffed cosmic ecology of his career.</b> The vast majority of the concepts are brand new. And the abundance of alien characters is the richest yet of his oeuvre. Yes, it’s all obvious now—<b>Rucker is Lennon & McCartney rolled up into one.</b>"—Paul Di Filippo, <i>Locus</i><br /><br /> “Given all that’s come and gone in science fiction, <b>Rucker’s </b><b><i>Million Mile Road Trip</i></b><b> brings us to some very fresh territory</b>.”—<i>Electric Review</i><br /> <br /> “<b>A trippy adventure that would make Gulliver and Candide’s heads spin</b>.”—<i>Amazing Stories</i><br /> <br /> “Jack Kerouac may have his name in the canons of literature as ‘that guy who wrote the ultimate road trip book’, but I daresay that for as dynamic and shifting as <i>On the Road</i> is, <i>Million Mile Road Trip</i> runs through the cosmos and back in the same time without losing any of its humanity. . . . <b>Do yourself a favor if you haven’t read Rucker, light a candle for the saint and buy <i>Million Mile Road Trip</i>. It will wash away the sins of the mediocre, derivative material flooding the market today and cleanse your science fiction soul.</b>”—<i>Speculiction</i><br /> <br /><i>“Million Mile Road Trip</i> is <b>unlike any journey you’ve ever been on. Rucker takes the wheel and slams through barriers into a world that bursts with originality and inventiveness.</b> I’m new to Rucker’s work and <b>this surreal experience makes me want to stop what I’m doing and read everything he’s written in a feverish marathon</b>. . . . Overall, <b>it’s impossible not to love <i>Million Mile Road Trip</i></b>. With a wild cast of characters, an alien world that boggles the mind, and extremely spot-on writing, <b>Rucker has created a masterpiece that must be experienced</b>.”—<i>Reviews & Robots</i><br /> <br /><b>Praise for Rudy Rucker: </b><br /> <br /> “<b>Rudy Rucker should be declared a National Treasure of American Science Fiction. </b>Someone simultaneously channeling Kurt Gödel and Lenny Bruce might start to approximate full-on Ruckerian warp-space, but without the sweet, human, splendidly goofy Rudy-ness at the core of the singularity.” —William Gibson <br /><br /> “Rucker’s writing is great like the Ramones are great: a genre stripped to its essence, attitude up the wazoo, and cartoon sentiments that reek of identifiable lives and issues. Wild math you can get elsewhere, but <b>no one does the cyber version of beatnik glory quite like Rucker. </b>” —<i>New York Review of Science Fiction</i> <br /><br /> “For some two decades now, since the publication of his first novel, <i>White Light</i>, Rucker has combined <b>an easygoing, trippy style influenced by the Beats</b> with a deep engagement with knotty (or ‘gnarly,’ to employ one of his favorite terms) intellectual conceits, based mainly in mathematics. In the typical Rucker novel, <b>likably eccentric characters</b>—who run the gamut from brilliant to near-certifiable—encounter aspects of the universe that confirm that <b>life is weirder than we can imagine. </b>” —<i>The Washington Post</i> <br /><br /> “Rudy Rucker is <b>the most consistently brilliant imagination working in SF today. </b>” — Charles Stross, author of The Laundry Files <br /><br /> “Reading a Rudy Rucker book is like finding Poe, Kerouac, Lewis Carroll, and Philip K. Dick parked on your driveway in a topless ’57 Caddy . . . and telling you they’re taking you for a RIDE. <b>The funniest science fiction author around. </b>” —<i>Sci-Fi Universe</i> <br /><br /> “Rucker [gives you] <b>more ideas per chapter than most authors use in an entire novel. </b>” —<i>San Francisco Chronicle</i>