There are many good reasons to read Dodie Smith's <i>I Capture the Castle</i>: it provides excellent advice about dressing on a budget (dye all your clothes sea-green); how to cope when the man you love falls for your elder sister (keep a diary) and your stepmother dances naked in the rain (ditto). Given that most teenagers believe their parents to be mad - and vice versa - the novel also serves as a helpful guide to recognising the fine line between eccentricity and outright insanity
A book for anyone who is young, poor, fed up and yearning for something exciting to happen
Irish Times
When I read <i>I Capture the Castle</i> it immediately became one of my favourite novels of all time, and I was very annoyed that nobody had told me about it before
- J.K Rowling,
Unputdownable and loved by teenagers and adults everywhere.
Everyone I've passed it on to has found it a hit - it works every time, for absolutely everybody
- Nigella Lawson,
So what makes these different to any other set of classics? In a moment of inspiration Random House had the bright idea of actually asking Key stage 2 children what extra ingredients they could add to make children want to read. And does it work? Well, put it this 13-year-old daughter announced that she had to read a book over the summer holiday and, without any prompting, spotted The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas...and proceeded to read it! Now, if you knew my 13-year-old daughter, you would realise that this is quite remarkable. She reads texts, blogs and tags by the thousand - but this is the first book she has read since going to high school, so all hail Vintage Classics!
National Association for the Teaching of English
A complete joy of an eccentric English coming-of-age novel
- Kerry Fowler, Sainsbury’s Magazine
The perfect lockdown read - gentle and infused with a glowing warmth, featuring an emotional complexity that makes the simple story rewarding throughout