<i>Green River Rising </i>is a stunner – and may be the best prison novel ever. This is a book of dark alchemy: turbulent milieu, brilliantly etched characters, pure adrenaline-fuelled narrative – richly sustained and stylishly realised. Tim Willocks has crafted a superbly contained trip to hell that I urge you all to sign on for
- James Ellroy,
The best thriller since <i>The Silence of the Lambs... Green River Rising </i>is a brilliant entertainment...a powerful<i> </i>novel that will shock, and sell
Daily Telegraph
Gritty...brilliant...a compelling story of gripping pace and brutality, a thriller in the true sense of the word
This book should carry a warning: don’t bother reading if you’re afraid of being unable to put it down before the final page...a compelling, nightmarish canvas, marvellously painted... <i>Green River Rising </i>has the sure touch of a real craftsman
Publishing News
<i>May</i>be the best prison novel ever
- James Ellroy,