"At once a postapocalyptic adventure, a comedy of manners, and a tract on sexual and social equality,Goslings is by turns funny, horrifying, and politically stirring. Most remarkable of all may be that it has not yet been recognized as a classic." -- Benjamin Kunkel "Edwardian catastrophe novel in the mode of H.G. Wells, with ironic description of a devastated world through a lower middle class London family. Good realistic detail."-- E.F. Bleiler, Science Fiction, the Early Years "A fantastic commentary upon life." -- W.L. George, The Bookman (1914) "Mr. Beresford possesses the rare gift of divination... The picture of that bevy of English Bacchantes -- graceless civilized savages -- dragging along a butcher in a triumphal car, cannot be forgotten -- it is a piece of the most vivid imaginative realism, as well as a challenge to our vaunted civilization." -- The Living Age (1916)