This captivating biography, full of previously undiscovered material, tells the story of Restoration playwright George Farquhar in reverse: from his death in poverty, through the success of <i>The Beaux Stratagem </i>and <i>A Recruiting Officer</i>, and ending with his birth in Londonderry. Essential reading not only for those interested in Farquhar or eighteenth-century theatre, but also in the literature of the dispossessed, <i>George Farquhar: a Migrant Life Reversed </i>is the first study to combine elegant readings of Farquhar’s plays with migrancy criticism. Farquhar, it shows, was not just one of the most charming, funny and elusive of Restoration playwrights; he was also more acutely aware of cultural dislocation, and hence more modern, than any other writer of the period.
Tiffany Stern, The Shakespeare Institute, University of Birmingham, UK