Love is strange. It ennobles some people, makes fools of others, and occasionally leads to murder. In Bradford Morrow's <b>lovely literary mystery</b>...the love of books causes all of the above.
- Marilyn Stasio, New York Times
The novel flits evocatively from upstate New York farmhouses to Manhattan auction houses, and there's an aptly gothic tinge to the tense drama that ensues.
- Hephzibah Anderson, The Observer
<b>Evocatively rendered and emotionally resonant</b>, this literary crime novel is the real deal. Morrow's gothic tale bears comparison with Poe's own work.
Publishers Weekly (starred review)
An excellent suspense novel. . . . Bradford Morrow is, quite skillfully, paying homage to one of Agatha Christie's most famous whodunits. Yet even then, he offers a few twists of his own and will keep all but the most astute mystery aficionado guessing about the truth until the end.
Washington Post on THE FORGERS
From its provocative opening line . . . Bradford Morrow's latest novel takes on a knowing, noirish tone, like a crime movie by the Coen brothers. . . . The pleasure of reading <i>The Forgers comes</i> not only from trying to figure out what happened to Diehl but also in deciding, chapter by chapter, how much trust to grant the narrator, who is our only source.
Miami Herald on THE FORGERS
<i>The Forgers</i> is quintessential Bradford Morrow. Brilliantly written as a suspense novel, lethally enthralling to read, and filled with arcane, fascinating information - in this case, the rarefied world of high-level literary forgery.
- Joyce Carol Oates,
<i>The Forgers</i> is remarkable. Bradford Morrow is remarkable. The Real Thing, which is rare on this earthly plane.
- Michael Cunningham,