Everything I look for in a fantasy
George R. R. Martin
THE DRAGON'S PATH is a first superb installment in a series that has established itself already in my top level of current ongoing fantasy series
Fantasy Book Critic
THE DRAGON'S PATH is a tremendous novel and Abraham deftly mixes the classic foundations of the genre with a sophistication expected of him and rarely found in the work of his compatriots
A Dribble of Ink
THE DRAGON'S PATH is a winner. The characters are engaging and well-motivated, the plot intriguing
The Wertzone
Abraham weaves several characters into the story, each with their own flaws and ghosts that haunt them. Character development is quite deft and the author provides believable, fallible, and interesting players on his stage . . . THE DRAGON'S PATH is an enjoyable read that holds great expectations for the series
SF Signal