"There could be no more appropriate response to West's intellectual breadth than to assemble intellectuals and activists with diverse scholarly backgrounds and to ask them to engage critically with the full range of his work. The result is a book that can help us to assess West's achievement, while deepening our understanding of many of the questions raised in his extraordinary oeuvre. It also bears out the double-meaning in this book's title: for West is, indeed, one of the great critical readers of the American progressive tradition." <i>Kwame Anthony Appiah, Harvard University</i> <br /> <p>"Many of the contributions to this volume are written by members of a younger generation of scholars who have profited from West's pathbreaking writings. Their essays bring into sharp focus this question: is there anything that philosophers, theologians, or other intellectuals know, or anything they can do, that might help the black underclass in the US escape from what West calls 'a life of horrifying meaninglessness, hopelessness, and (most important) lovelessness." <i>Richard Rorty, Stanford University</i><br /> </p> <p>"Every American intellectual ought to spend some time thinking about West, and every large library should give readers a chance by putting this book on their shelves". <i>Library Journal</i><br /> </p> <p>"<i>Cornel West: a Critical Reader</i> is worthwhile not only because it honors West, who <i>is indeed</i> worthy of <i>our</i> recognition, but also because it continues, and therefore lends credibility and possibility to, pragmatic philosophical discourse aimed at eliminating oppression through the expansion of democracy and improving our facility in the art of living." <i>Ethics, Vol. 113, 2003</i></p>