"The authors' greatest service to their subject is to reestablish him as a tireless artist and a central witness to an epic period of Italian history..."
- The Sunday Times,
"Ingrid Rowland and Noah Charney give full measure to his [Georgio Vasari's] artistic skills (and the diplomatic adroitness he needed to exercise them) and place him again at the centre of 16th-century Italian art."
- Michael Prodger, Art Books of the Year 2017 - The Sunday Times,
"... an insightful and gripping new book... Ms Rowland and Mr Charney draw a panoramic view of the art-world during the Renaissance, placing Vasari at the centre... This is an important book and long awaited. The authors have done a commendable job of returning to his rightful place the man who inflated the reputation of art and artists so successfully that he himself was squeezed out of the picture."
- The Economist,
"... absorbing... a page-turningly compelling overview of Giorgio Vasari and his age..."
- Literary Review,