<i>'Few who have investigated the world of classical archaeology over the past 60 years can have failed to benefit from consulting John Boardman’s many and varied publications. His central position continues to be paramount, and in this book we have his spirited account of his career, the researches he has carried out, the travels he has undertaken, and the home life and friendships he has enjoyed over the past 90 years.'</i> - <b>Brian A. Sparkes (2020), <i>Classics for All</i></b>
<i>'How John managed any teaching is amazing, given his travel accounts. Numerous and fascinating, whether undertaken for research or for pleasure (e.g., the Swan Hellenic Cruises), they cover most of Asia, part of the Near East and Africa, a great deal of Australia as well as Europe, and even the New World (Mexico), many of them revealing his ever expanding interest in the Greeks overseas and their (even if remote) influence on others’ arts and cultures, some as remote as India and China.'</i> - <b>Brunilde Ridgway (2021), <i>Bryn Mawr Classical Review</i></b>
<i>'Archaeopress has established a series on the lives of archaeologists, many of them like a recent study by David Gill of Dr John Disney who was the benefactor of the Disney Chair of Archaeology at Cambridge in the nineteenth century, long dead. In the case of the current volume we are given a lively and often entertaining account of a life, both personal and professional, by a lively and much-loved archaeologist, still active in his nineties.</i> - <b>Martin Henig (2021), <i>Association for Roman Archaeology News</i></b>
<i>'This book is a must for anyone interested in the ancient world and represents a unique chronicle of an extraordinary scholar.'</i> - <b>Mark Merrony (2021), <i>ANTIQVVS</i></b>