An excellent story
- Diane Edbauer, NetGalley,
Great characters and I loved the setting!
- Donna Maguire, NetGalley,
A fast read, really well written storyline with characters you get invested in
- Holly Senecal, NetGalley,
A great saga that packs so much emotion and passion into it that you are swept away, wishing a better life for Hillie as her character gets under your skin
Dash Fan Book Reviews
A very quick and easy read, perfect for a cold cozy weekend snuggled on the couch with a fire and a hot cup of whatever you prefer in your hand. Loved it!
- Megan Mai, NetGalley,
A wonderful saga... Her best book yet. I have no hesitation whatsoever in recommending this one as a truly great read'
Good 'N Ready
The characters were very likeable and all in all it was great!
- Jane Withington, NetGalley,