"The extraordinary C. Wright Mills was an intellectual hero of the New Left, a model of the engaged academic. This volume of his letters and writings provides a fascinating insight into Mills as a person - as a family man and a friend - as well as a thinker. Mills packed so much into his terribly short life, and young people today should find inspiration in his enormous energy, his breadth of interest, and his political boldness." - Howard Zinn, Boston University "The 'Tovarich' essays are among the highlights of the long overdue C. Wright Mills: Letters and Autobiographical Writings...a book of many revelations and felicities that sees the light of day 38 years after Mills' death. This volume...is indispensable to a picture of intellectuals and politics in our time, tracing out the contours of a robust life of the mind, an odyssey that seems as quaint today as anything in Homer." - Todd Gitlin, Los Angeles Times Book Review "This collection...reminds us of the writer's scrupulous and generous mind, presenting ideas that continue to resonate today...[it] offers a glimpse into the writer's personal life as well as into his intellectual relationships. One of the great discoveries included in the book is Mills's FBI file, which was started after he wrote the best-selling Listen, Yankee (1960), a defense of the Cuban revolution. This file, which documents a possible assassination attempt on Mills in response to the book, is a chilling reminder of the hostility faced by liberal intellectuals in the 1950s." - Publishers Weekly