Magnificent... This is a fine biography, and it is difficult to imagine its being surpassed for a very long time
- Alexander McCall Smith, Daily Telegraph
Crawford has delivered a living Burns: smart, arrogant, chivalrous, but also a strong poet to be confronted at every step of our written and sung culture. After this, we can't just take Burns down from the shelf this one night a year
- Brian Morton, Observer
Robert Crawford<b> </b>gives us a sympathetic portrait of a self-fashioning Burns who has to imagine himself as a bard<b> </b>- a poet not only in word but in act - in order to become one. Crawford's Burns, merrily mixing high and low culture, seems eerily contemporary
New Yorker
Generous, highly intelligent and comprehensive biography...a portrait that comes nearer to the whole man than any other yet written...I can't imagine a better life of the Bard being written. It is likely to become the standard work: certainly it deserves to be greeted as that
Literary Review
Crawford has produced an act of homage as well as a fine biogrpahy
Sunday Times