The thing about the best Lethem novels - and I'm thinking back to early in his career, to <i>Motherless Brooklyn</i> and <i>The Fortress of Solitude</i> - is that they were such fun. I've read everything he's written since and <b>rarely has a novel approached the sheer pleasure of <i>The Arrest</i>... It is, in short, a blast</b>.
<b>Exuberantly clever... extremely strange, twistily plotted, fizzingly written, not a little absurd and lingeringly mysterious.</b>
Daily Telegraph
<b>Lethem's pithy chapters - some poetic, some sharp, others both - bring this eerily timely tale to a grim, if wry, conclusion.</b>
Daily Mail
<b>Inventive, entertaining and superbly written</b>
New York Times
A certain goofy charm... Jonathan Lethem's apocalypse is a whimsical one.
The Times
<b>An impeccably executed, moving, and wildly inventive tale of madness and narrative at the end of the world. Lethem is at the top of his game.</b>
Emily St. John Mandel, author of STATION ELEVEN
A pleasingly idiosyncratic take on things falling apart
If part of the point of <i>The Arrest </i>is that we love our apocalypses neatly packaged, then Lethem deserves credit for refusing to play along: <b>his inimitable imagination never stops delivering curveballs.</b>
Daily Mail
Jonathan Lethem's latest novel, "The Arrest," is a work of literary fiction that associates itself with the science fiction subculture by launching a carefully planned assault on the science fiction pop-culture juggernaut. In doing so, the book provides a quietly lyrical alternative to the uberviolence and cliché blustering of Hollywood plots.
Boston Globe
<i>The Arrest</i> is a novel that defies description in the best possible way, which makes it quintessentially a work of Jonathan Lethem's at his most sublime. It's an organic tale of the apocalypse, a Hollywood parable, and a fable of survival and surrender. The prose crackles, the jokes land hard and fast, and the story's heart is sensationally large. <b>Spectacularly imaginative but grounded in humanity and hope - <i>The Arrest</i> is a perfect novel </b>for this moment and future ones.
Ivy Pochoda, author of These Women
It's <b>a wonderful read</b>, the writing gracefully gonzo, the emotional beats often unexpected yet quite right.
Los Angeles Times
As a writer gifted at playing with genre forms and riffing on popular culture, (Lethem) enjoys tweaking dystopian-novel conventions.
Sentence by sentence, Lethem is sheer visual delight.
Financial Times
<i>The Arrest</i> is a very wry, very smart novel - every wink and twist is pre-empted. For all the genre shenanigans it has a proper purpose.
Stuart Kelly, Spectator