"I really enjoyed it, and would recommend it, even if you are not interested in poker as there is enough in it to keep you gripped as Jerry Yang has led an amazing life." - Reviewed by Sara Binstead for Whats Good To Do online www.whatsgoodtodo.com "A story of ultimate personal triumph." -- Booklist , starred review " All In is a fascinating story of a man determined to improve himself and improving his world along the way. Very much recommended." -- Midwest Book Review "A marvelous read." -- Boston Globe "A wonderful combination of humor and gut-wrenching experiences." -- Chicago Sun-Times "All In is among poker's elite memoirs, capturing the inspiring account of the poker's unlikeliest hero, a small-statured immigrant who went on to become a champion both in poker and in life." -- PokerNews.com "Readers of All In will find themselves rooting for Yang. He seems like a genuinely nice guy who survived an unbelievably hellish childhood to become not just a poker champion but a psychologist and philanthropist." --www.RainTaxi.com