“Above all, [Schwarzenbach’s] discovery of the Orient was a personal one. But the author never loses sight of the historical and social context. . . . She shows no trace of colonialist arrogance. In fact, the pieces also reflect the experience of crisis, the loss of confidence which, in that decade, seized the long-arrogant culture of the West.”
Süddeutsche Zeitung
"Through lyrical prose and a keen sense of wonder, the long road to Afghanistan is never tedious. Complete with picturesque descriptions of passing mountains, fields, valleys, deserts and their enigmatic denizens, <i>All the Roads Are Open</i> still enchants more than 70 years after its conception."
The National (Abu Dhabi)
<i>"All the Roads Are Open</i> . . . collects the wonderful newspaper articles Schwarzenbach wrote during the journey. 'With our Afghan friends we felt as safe as in Abraham’s bosom,' she declares, although the cover photo of her—trousered, lanky, David Bowie with an Elroy Jetson haircut—will inspire readers today to wonder what all she might have left out."
- Alan Scherstuhl, The Village Voice
"Schwarzenbach’s book, while fragmented, showcases the specificity and talent of her writing. [. . .] The book offers a memorable account of discovery and self-exploration at a time when Nazism came knocking at Europe’s doors. Schwarzenbach’s fragile notes reject yesterday’s racism and intolerance, and instead offer an ode to individual freedom."
“Few of Schwarzenbach’s own writings have been translated into English, and even fewer are available in print. Finally, we have the opportunity to read her: Seagull Books have reissued two recent and excellent translations of Schwarzenbach’s literary travel writing. <i>Death in Persia </i>was only published in German in 1998, long after Schwarzenbach’s death, and first published in English translation by Lucy Renner Jones in 2012. <i>All the Roads Are Open</i>, translated by Isabel Fargo Cole, was first published as a full English collection in 2011. Together, they map Schwarzenbach’s dual struggle to overcome her own inner conflicts and, somehow, to resist the fascism that overran Europe as she made her way to Afghanistan in 1939.”