"This is one of the most gripping memoirs ever written. Parachuted into France in 1942 by the secret service of General de Gaulle, the young Daniel Cordier was in close daily proximity to the legendary Jean Moulin, the unifier of the French Resistance. Cordier found himself in the crossfire of the violent conflicts between the leaders of the Resistance in France and General de Gaulle in London. In a book that reads like a thriller, Cordier conveys the fear, the drama, and the intensity of the life of a secret agent in France. It is also a deeply moving portrait of Moulin. The book was a sensation when first published in France. Now Anglophone readers will have the chance to read this extraordinary story."
Julian Jackson, emeritus professor of Modern French History at Queen Mary University of London and the author of France on Trial: The Case of Marshal Pétain, among others