Thoughtful and disconcertingly memorable... This is a feast for the mind, and readers will ruminate on it long after turning the last page
Publishers Weekly (starred review)
Maguire effortlessly leaps between the absurd illusions of Wonderland and the building suspense of the search for the children in antique Oxford... [He] closes in on some big, haunting ideas himself, about the loss of loved ones and religious faith, about cultural and romantic subjugations, and about the evolutionary value of imagination... [A] harvest of delightfully stated observations, [confronting] weighty themes with a light touch and exquisite, lovely language. [Maguire's] playful vocabulary may be Carroll-esque, but his keen wit is closer to Monty Python, with a fine, unforced sense of play... his erudition is a joy, his sense of fun infectious
New York Times Book Review
A refreshing look at such a well-known and loved classic