Just when you thought it couldn't possibly get any <b>better</b>, Lee Child pulls Jack Reacher out of another hole and, <b>bang</b>, he produces nothing short of a <b>thriller masterpiece</b>... Here, we get what we've been waiting for... the story of how Reacher became Reacher
- Henry Sutton, Daily Mirror
Jack Reacher has long since earned his prominent place in the pantheon of cool, smart-talking American heroes... Shakes up the status quo by delivering the Reacher creation myth... stealthily funny... this book is really about the man himself
- Janet Maslin, The New York Times
With its revelations and its <b>bonk-fest</b>, it's an unabashed <b>fan-pleaser</b>, but also a timely, reassuring wallow in the undiluted <b>essence</b> of Reacher
Child on <b>top of his game</b>. It could well be his <b>best </b>book yet... The paradox of Reacher is that he is both a great big <b>grizzly bear</b> of a fighter... and a thinker, both <b>Schwarzenegger</b> and Socrates. Make <b>love and war</b> is his credo
Just finished <i>The Affair.</i> As always, hero Reacher grabs me on page one and never lets go. Right now Lee Child is my No1 thriller writer
- Ken Follett (on Twitter),
I wouldn't be scared with Jack Reacher by my side... Reacher is the kind of guy you want in your corner when things get nasty. He's a <b>maverick</b> who plays by his own rules as he drifts from town to town... And yes, there are so many<b> guns </b>and so much blood and <b>antler-locking</b> that it's a little bit embarrassing to admit to liking the books. But <b>I'm not the only woman</b> I know who does
L. A. Times
Lee Child is on brilliant form in <i>The Affair</i>... for sheer page-turning ability it's unbeatable
Evening Standard
Plenty of <b>action</b>... much more of a <b>whodunit</b> than anything Lee Child has previously written... The <b>gripping</b> plot and <b>breathtaking</b> violence ensure it is difficult to put down
Evening Standard