"There are phenomenal women all over the technology landscape but we need to tell their stories to inspire more and to show what's possible. Unfortunately the industry, while growing in importance has shrinking numbers of women. This is a must read." - Martha Lane Fox, businesswoman, philanthropist and co-founder of "Last Minute"; "Women have played a fundamental part in the creation and success of the technology industry. We should all have grown up hearing their names, but unfortunately too often their contributions have not been championed. This book highlights the incredible contributions of 50 inspiring women tech pioneers, don't miss the opportunity to find out all about them." - Sue Black, Award winning computer scientist and digital skills expert; "50 Women In Technology is the story of women who have faced, or are facing, insurmountable odds but have overcome challenges to succeed beyond expectations. The book challenges the readers' own knowledge of women in the tech sector as compared to their knowledge of males and brings awareness to the bias that mainstream media has in covering news stories of males in tech, as opposed to females. Most importantly, 50 Women In Technology does exactly as the name suggests, it highlights the incredible accomplishments of women in the traditionally male dominated technology industry. The stories are inspirational and for this reason should be a must read, not only for young girls and women, but for young boys and men as well. The stories of these women should be told at school, in the workplace, in the media and in the home. While reading to a young boy or girl about a sports hero may be a popular choice at bedtime, an inspiration excerpt from 50 Women In Technology may have longer, more positive consequences for their overall development."