A collection of award-winning short stories, including the viral “I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream” by Harlan Ellison, an eight-time Hugo Award winner, five-time Bram Stoker Award winner, and four-time Nebula Award winner. As one of the great writers of speculative fiction of the twentieth century, Harlan Ellison shaped the science fiction, fantasy, and horror genres.  This inventive and provocative collection of his best-known and most-acclaimed stories is a perfect treasury for old Ellison fans as well as readers discovering this zany, polyphonic writer for the first time.  Featuring these stories and many more:  “‘Repent, Harlequin,’ Said the Ticktockman” — Hugo Award winner “I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream” — Bram Stoker Award winner “Mefisto in Onyx” — Bram Stoker Award winner “Jeffty Is Five” — British Fantasy Award winner “Shatterday” — Twilight Zone episode “The Whimper of Whipped Dogs” — Edgar Allan Poe Award winner “Paladin of the Lost Hour” — Hugo Award winner, Twilight Zone episode  A must-read for sci-fi book lovers and fans of Ray Bradbury, Ursula K. Le Guin, and Isaac Asimov, this career-spanning compilation of classic short stories is also perfect for readers who enjoyed Dangerous Visions, A Boy and His Dog, or other Harlan Ellison books.    
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A collection of award-winning short stories by Harlan Ellison, an eight-time Hugo Award winner, five-time Bram Stoker Award winner, and four-time Nebula Award winner. As one of the great writers of speculative fiction of the twentieth century, Harlan Ellison shaped the science fiction, fantasy and horror genres.
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PRAISE FOR HARLAN ELLISON [O]n the evidence that Straczynski has assembled here, [Ellison’s] fiction can still scream.  —Locus Greatest Hits offers a reason for readers to rejoice, for it is a handy compilation of excellent and eclectic and eccentric stories… Tenacious in both terror and tomfoolery, fierce, and funny… You won’t find a better collection of single-scribe sci-fi on the planet—or beyond it.—Los Angeles Review of Books In his stories of fantasy and horror, he strikes closest to all those things that horrify and amuse us (sometimes both at the same time) in our present lives...Ellison has always been a sociological writer...[who was] pro-choice when itcomes to abortion...[and] an affirmed liberal and freethinker. Most of all, we sense outrage and anger—as with the best Ellison stories, we sense personal involvement, and have a feeling that Ellison is not so much telling the tale as he is jabbing it viciously out of its hiding place. It is the feeling that we are walking over a lot of jagged glass in thin shoes, or running across a minefield in the company of a lunatic. —Stephen King   Categories are too small—even the catch-all category of science fiction—to describe Harlan Ellison. Lyric poet, satirist, explorer of odd psychological corners, moralist, one-line comedian, purveyor of pure horror and of black comedy; he is all these and more. —The Washington Post   A furiously prolific and cantankerous writer (who) looked at storytelling as a "holy chore," which he pursued zealously for more than 60 years. His output includes more than 1,700 short stories and articles, at least 100 books and dozens of screenplays and television scripts ranked with eminent science fiction writers like Ray Bradbury and Isaac Asimov.—The New York Times   Harlan Ellison was, after all, one of the most interesting humans on Earth. He was one of the greatest and most influential science fiction writers alive. He marched with Martin Luther King, Jr. in Selma, lectured to college kids, visited with death row inmates, and once mailed a dead gopher to a publisher. Ellison brought a literary sensibility to sci-fl at a time when the entire establishment was allergic to any notion of art. To say he was one-of-a-kind would be trite, and he would likely hate that. What he was, was a legend. —NPR    [Harlan] was very influential in changing the field, making it more open to social issues, to explorations of characters. He's had an enormous influence on science fiction with his writing, and he's also been aninfluential editor...setting an agenda for a new kind of science fiction writing that would be more socially engaged and responsive to the times. —Jeff Lathan, Science Fiction Studies   There's a real power to the way he uses the language and how he draws pictures in your mind. —Ron Moore   You see Ellison's unswerving social conscience throughout his fiction and critical essays...forcefully and eloquently-and at some length­ lamenting the failure of the Equal Rights Amendment and railing against the scourge of misogynistic "knife-kill" films. —Rogerebert.com   The words-there is an attention to the words. There is an attention to the sound of the words. You're reading them in your head, and they sing.—Neil Gaiman   The spellbinding quality of a great nonstop talker, with a cultural ware­ house for a mind. —The New York Review of Books   Feisty, furious, yet extraordinarily kind and generous; Harlan Ellison was one of a kind. —Leonard Mahin   Harlan Ellison—terrific prose, razor-sharp intellect, pulp gut punches and invention when needed, terse poetics...an original. —Guillermo del Toro   An original and valuable writer...a twentieth-century Lewis Carroll.  —Los Angeles Times   Saul Bellow, Philip Roth, Norman Mailer, stand aside. Harlan Ellison is now a better short story writer than you will ever be again during the rest of your lives. —Ray Bradbury   The incredible Harlan Ellison writes as if an inner fuse is about to blow before he can get all the words on his pages. —Anne McCaffrey   He doesn't write like anybody else. What emerges is a surprising, eclectic, almost protean series of visions, often disturbing, always strongly felt.—Michael Crichton   Harlan was not just a great fantasist and/or science fiction writer; he was a great writer, period. When he was at the top of his form, there was no finer short story writer in all of English literature. [He] had an enormous influence on the writers of the generation that followed, my own generation. He fought for racial equality, marching with King at Selma. He fought for women's rights and the ERA. He fought publishers, defending the rights of writers to control their own material and be fairly compensated for it. He was a hero to us. —George R. R. Martin      
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The Herald Classics series connects adventurous readers to excellent stories and showcases a dynamic and approachable literary canon.


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Harlan Ellison (1934–2018) is a legend of the SFF, horror, and speculative fiction genres. His published works include more than 1,700 short stories, novellas, screenplays, comic book scripts, teleplays, essays, and a wide range of criticism covering literature, film, television, and print media. Ellison won numerous awards, including multiple Hugos, Nebulas, and Edgars. Many of Ellison’s short stories have been adapted into a variety of formats, including television episodes of The Twilight Zone and Star Trek.