More than a title, 'Some Bright Elegance' is a statement of intent, a promise that Chingonyi delivers on. -- Jacob Sam-La Rose This is the work of a strong and passionate new voice in UK poetry, made even stronger by the contrast with the 'bright elegance' of the style. -- Dr. Nathalie Teitler Chingonyi's debut offering presents an achingly tangible vision of a world of bass and deified beats and backstreet pizzerias and so much more, shuttling from Borges and Cildo Meireles to Bojangles and manga/anime, all rendered through an effortlessly self-assured voice. More than a title, 'Some Bright Elegance' is a statement of intent, a promise that Chingonyi delivers on On the surface Kayo Chingonyi's poetry is beautifully structured, almost traditional work which fits well into the traditional British Canon. Closer reading, however, reveals a complex and sometimes subversive approach. The work references African cultures to address areas of youth, race, urban life and loss. This is the work of a strong and passionate new voice in UK poetry, made even stronger by the contrast with the 'bright elegance' of the style. -- Dr. Nathalie Teitler Chingonyi's poems have a permanence about them that belies their dark fragility. Some of them even approach that supposed impossibility: an investigation into the nature (spiritual and physical) of things. Chingonyi's opening salvo reminds us that to be fully human is in itself an act of being fully observant. -- Roger Robinson A beautiful debut from a sincere young man who, from our earliest meetings through the Poetry Society's Respect Slam, always dealt with crafting his work to its best potential. This collection is a testimony to that, his sensitive observations of the details of everyday urban life, the central place music often plays, and some of the rites of passage of a young adult. His voice is one that you lean in to listen to more closely, and are rewarded for doing so. The symphony that is British poetry needs voices like Kayo's for a true ensemble. 'Some Bright Elegance': an apt naming for Kayo Chingonyi and his maturing voice - I look forward to hearing and reading more. -- Dorothea Smartt
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