'There is a veritable Pontano industry in current scholarship, such that it is difficult to say something really new about this author and the literary culture of Renaissance Naples. Soranzo has succeeded in doing so, within a methodological framework that will provoke thought for the readers of SHARP News, no matter what their field of specialization.' SHARP News 'Matteo Soranzo’s book provides an original and welcome take on a series of texts from a specific period, the cultural world of Aragonese Naples. ... the book is a must read, as much for scholars of Neapolitan history as for those interested in neo-Latin literature and Italian studies.' Renaissance and Reformation 'The great merit of this book is to bring together scholarly writing that will reach a wider audience of enlightened amateurs, by contextualizing Neapolitan humanism within cultural studies of early modern Europe.' Renaissance Quarterly 'Frequently neglected in studies of fifteenth- and sixteenth-century Italian poetry, the social and political status and associations of writers, and the material diffusion of their works, provide the context from which Matteo Soranzo investigates poetry in Aragonese Naples.' Parergon