"Catanzano offers us a poetic vision of multiple orders and multiple forms, of a fluid time set loose from linearity, and an open space that is motile and multidimensional." -- -Michael Palmer "Amy Catanzano's Multiversal is a complex shimmering meteroric / meteoric phenomenon, tended and tucked with seismic tremor, quantum folds, solar wingbeats, traversing all manner of particulars from blooming lotuses to Mandelbrot sunrises, from deep space to all-ocean worlds and quirky thorn-opals. What mischievous orbits, what jewelled delight: 'everything's a little brighter beyond the parameters.' The mind/poetry of this book is wondrous, strange, a polyvalent stimulant. I didn't think poetry could ever again be so beautiful. 'Between the eye and its rock star fractal / Straight into the future!'" -- -Anne Waldman
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Amy Catanzano (Author)AMY CATANZANOâs first book, iEpiphany, was published by Anne Waldmanâs Erudite Fangs imprint. Catanzanoâs poetry has appeared widely in literary magazines such as Conjunctions, Denver Quarterly, and Fence. She has an MFA from the Iowa Writersâ Workshop and teaches in the Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics at Naropa University.