Cain and Connolly's edition is remarkable ... [it] is bound to become the best guide to Herrick's verse. It deserves also to be regarded as one of the best sources of information about earlier 17th-century poetry.
Colin Burrow, London Review of Books
This major new edition of the poetry of Robert Herrick is a triumph ... the editors have produced a handsome publication befitting the increasingly vibrant and detailed scholarship surrounding the work of one of the masters of the English lyric poem ... Cain and Connolly's new edition accords with its subject perfectly. While the two volumes are weighty, their immense scholarship is lightly worn.
Patrick J Murray, The Review of English Studies
The Cain and Connolly Complete Poetry is a fine thing, full of interest and unostentatious excellence, humane and generous in its sympathies while at the same time being ambitious and exacting in its scholarship. Herrick has been lucky in his editors.
Tom Lockwood, The Seventeenth Century
this new edition of Herricks Works is a monumental enterprise, brilliantly carried off.
Graham Parry, Spenser Review