An intelligent assembly of poems that take us places where prose cannot go... This little book is a reminder that everything important about birds can't be found in guide books or scientific papers. -- Jim Williams Minneapolis Star Tribune What's not to love? Birder's World Part poetry anthology, part field guide, Bright Wings is a delight. -- Isabel Nathaniel Dallas Morning News An elegant little compilation. Des Moines Register A beautiful anthology. -- Jim Higgins Milwaukee Journal Sentinel [Collins & Sibley] have created a veritable jeweled music box... sure to appeal to birdlovers and poetry fans alike.The West Australian The West Australian Whether metaphorical or purely observational, the verses provide a wealth of details and, as a group, form a literary guide to the behavior of bird and birder. -- Adam Levine Country Gardens Rarely has poetry and art been so deftly partnered... A truly impressive anthology. The Midwest Book Review Collins has done his homework, ponying up those who should never be forgotten nor hidden away in an English Lit syllabus. The Folio A reminder that everything important about birds can't be found in guide books or scientific papers. -- Jim Williams Star Tribune