"Escapism that will make you giggle out loud" USA Today "Great fun...Kinsella had me laughing from page one." -- Fanny Blake Woman & Home "[Becky] is funny, chaotic, kind and - as usual - you'll be rooting for her from the off. The brilliantly plotted narrative whizzes along at a delicious pace, stuffed full of gags and sparkling dialogue." Daily Mail "Frothy, fast-paced fun." Glamour "Another delightful page-turner from the author of the best-selling Shopaholic series." Closer
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Sophie Kinsella is an internationally bestselling writer. She is the author of many number one bestsellers, including the hugely popular Shopaholic series. She has also written seven bestselling novels as Madeleine Wickham and several books for children. She lives in the UK with her husband and family.
Visit her website at www.sophiekinsella.co.uk and find her on Facebook at www.facebook.com/SophieKinsellaOfficial. You can also follow her on Twitter @KinsellaSophie and Instagram @sophiekinsellawriter.