This comprehensive book focuses on how the COVID-19 pandemic is transforming travel and tourism, globally. Despite the devastation caused by COVID-19, authors argue that within the ongoing crisis, there is also an opportunity to positively transform the tourism sector in ways that contribute to a more hopeful future for tourism practitioners, tourists and host communities. As the world emerges from the shadow of COVID-19 there will not be a return to the "normal". Rather, the volume shares a vision of global transformation that is driven at least in part by the changing ways people in the post-COVID-19 era may travel and encounter each other and their environments. Individual chapters explore topics such as: regenerative economies, transformational travel, critical perspectives on pandemics and tourism, sustainable development and resilience post-COVID-19, re-discovering and re-localising tourism, global (im)mobilities, transforming tourism management, as well as new value systems for travel and tourism including the chance to strengthen social equity and social justice as tourism returns after COVID-19. In this edited volume, a series of senior and emerging scholars engage with debates on how to best contribute to more substantial, meaningful, and positive planetary shifts within the tourism industry. The chapters in this book were originally published as a special issue of the journal Tourism Geographies.
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This comprehensive book focuses on how the COVID-19 pandemic is transforming travel and tourism, globally.
Introduction: Visions of travel and tourism after the global COVID-19 transformation of 2020 1. Transforming the (tourism) world for good and (re)generating the potential ‘new normal’ 2. “We can’t return to normal”: committing to tourism equity in the post-pandemic age 3. Reset redux: possible evolutionary pathways towards the transformation of tourism in a COVID-19 world 4. COVID-19, indigenous peoples and tourism: a view from New Zealand 5. Regenerative tourism needs diverse economic practices 6. Human flourishing, tourism transformation and COVID-19: a conceptual touchstone 7. Cancelling March Madness exposes opportunities for a more sustainable sports tourism economy 8. Ecological grief generates desire for environmental healing in tourism after COVID-19 9. How should tourism education values be transformed after 2020? 10. Post COVID-19 ecological and social reset: moving away from capitalist growth models towards tourism as Buen Vivir 11. COVID-19 is expanding global consciousness and the sustainability of travel and tourism 12. Pandemics, transformations and tourism: be careful what you wish for 13. A post COVID-19 future - tourism re-imagined and re-enabled 14. Socialising tourism for social and ecological justice after COVID-19 15. The COVID-19 crisis as an opportunity for escaping the unsustainable global tourism path 16. Reconnecting tourism after COVID-19: the paradox of alterity in tourism areas 17. Covid-19 is an unnatural disaster: Hope in revelatory moments of crisis 18. Adventure travel and tourism after COVID-19 – business as usual or opportunity to reset? 19. COVID-19: from temporary de-globalisation to a re-discovery of tourism? 20. Critical tourism scholars: brokers of hope 21. Lessons from COVID-19 can prepare global tourism for the economic transformation needed to combat climate change 22. Reconsidering global mobility – distancing from mass cruise tourism in the aftermath of COVID-19 23. The COVID-19 crisis: Opportunities for sustainable and proximity tourism 24. The transformational festival as a subversive toolbox for a transformed tourism: lessons from Burning Man for a COVID-19 world 25. A mindful shift: an opportunity for mindfulness-driven tourism in a postpandemic world 26. The novel spaces and power-geometries in tourism and hospitality after 2020 will belong to the ‘local’ 27. COVID-19 leads to a new context for the “right to tourism”: a reset of tourists’ perspectives on space appropriation is needed 28. From high-touch to high-tech: COVID-19 drives robotics adoption Conclusions: Reflections and discussions: tourism matters in the new normal post COVID-19
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Alan A. Lew is Professor Emeritus at Northern Arizona University and is the founding Editor-in-Chief of the journal Tourism Geographies. His background encompasses human geography, urban planning, and tourism studies. His recent interests and writings have focused on place making, resilience, and consciousness studies as they relate to travel and tourism.

Joseph M. Cheer is Professor, Center for Tourism Research, Wakayama University, Japan; and Visiting Professor, AUT, New Zealand and UCSI Malaysia. He is Co Editor-in-Chief of Tourism Geographies. Recent books include Masculinities in the Field: Tourism and Transdisciplinary Research (2021) and Travel and Tourism in the Age of Overtourism (2021). He is an Australian Research Council Linkage Project (ARC LP) grant recipient with colleagues at University of Melbourne.

Mary Mostafanezhad is Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Environment, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. She is the co-editor-in-chief of Tourism Geographies and the co-founder of the Critical Tourism Studies Asia-Pacific Network. Her scholarship is broadly focused on tourism, development, and socio-environmental change.

Patrick Brouder holds the British Columbia Regional Innovation Chair in Tourism and Sustainable Rural Development at Vancouver Island University, Canada. He works closely with stakeholders across western Canada on Indigenous tourism, creative economies, and long-term regional evolution. He is an editor of Tourism Geographies and co-managing editor of Tourism Geographic.