Tourism is seen as a way of promoting a nation's history or heritage. This is especially resonant for countries such as Iran which is home to one of the world's oldest continuous major civilizations, with its historical and urban settlements dating back to 4000 BC. However, the mere existence of historical and cultural resources is not sufficient to develop a country as an international destination.   Building on comparatively limited tourism and hospitality research on Iran as a destination, and being mindful of recent political, cultural, and social transitions there, Experiencing Persian Heritage: Perspectives and Challenges is developed as an essential reference for destination development in emerging international destinations similar to Iran--rich in history, culture, heritage, and ethnic and natural diversities. These constitute the unique substances for image formulation, marketing, and competitive and global positioning. The topics advanced in this volume summarize a number of relevant challenges and opportunities for practical applications in hospitality and tourism.  The book will be of interest to national and international tourism authorities, postgraduate students, and faculty members in tourism, marketing, heritage management, history and anthropology.
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The book analyses new perspectives and challenges for the development of tourism and hospitality in emerging international destinations, based on Iran as a heritage destination.
Introduction. Sociocultural Contexts PART I. Contextual setting  Chapter 1. Tourism in Iran: A Political Economy Perspective; Rahim Heydari Chianeh, Seyedeh Khadijeh Rezatab Azgoomi, Behnam Kian  PART II. Taxonomies and typologies of cultural and heritage tourism  Chapter 2. Heritage Tourism in Iran: An Historical Perspective; Maria Isabel Roque, Maria João Forte  Chapter 3. Encounters with Iranian Culture: A Critical Incident Approach in Tourism; Samira Zare, Philip L. Pearce  Chapter 4. Cultural Heritage in Tourism Strategy: Insights from Iran; Minoo H. Esfehani  PART III. Visitors' perceptions of heritage setting and cultural attractions  Chapter 5. Savoring Persian Travel: Analyzing Iranian Tourists' Memories; Philip L. Pearce, Zohre Mohammadi Chapter 6. Host-Guest Relations: Cultural Tourists in Iran; Andres Artal-Tur, Noelia Sánchez-Casado, María Isabel Osorio-Caballero  Chapter 7. Kandovan Troglodyte Village: A Functioning Cultural Heritage Experience; Martin Gannon, Renzo Cordina, Sean Lochrie, Babak Taheri, Fevzi Okumus  Chapter 8. Effects of Museum Visits on Adolescents Motivations and Satisfaction; Mercede Shavanddasht  PART IV. Emerging means of promotion and management  Chapter 9. The Meaning of Hospitality in Iran; Javaneh Mehran  Chapter 10. A Textual and Visual-Based Exposition of Iran as a Destination; Ana Isabel Rodrigues, Vahid Ghasemi, Antónia Correia, Metin Kozak  Chapter 11. Social Media and Hotels in Iran: Online Reputation of Hotels in; María de la Cruz del Río-Rama, Claudia Patricia Maldonado-Erazo, José Álvarez-García, Ramiro Leonardo Ramírez-Coronel  Chapter 12. Authenticity and Innovation: The Future of Tourism in Iran; Fabio Carbone, Neda Torabi Farsani, Peyman Seyeddi, Anahita Malek   PART V. Image of Iran and competitive positioning  Chapter 13. The Impact of Branding on Tourists' Satisfaction and Loyalty in Iran; Zanete Garanti, Shiva Ilkhanizadeh, Philip Siaw Kissi  Chapter 14. Satisfaction and Destination Loyalty in Heritage Sites of Shiraz; Shiva Hashemi, Shaian Kiumarsi, Azizan Marzuki, Behnaz Babaei Anarestani  Chapter 15. Residents' Apathy and Heritage Tourism Development; Vahid Ghasemi, Giacomo Del Chiappa, Antónia Correia  Chapter 16. A Holistic Analysis of the Second Home Tourism Impacts in Caspian Sea Region of Iran: From Host Communities Perspective; Habib Alipour, Hamed Rezapouraghdam, Bazar Hasanzade  Chapter 17. Islamic and Halal Tourism in Iran: Towards New Horizons; Rahim Heydari Chianeh, Behnam Kian, Seyedeh Khadijeh Rezatab Azgoomi  Conclusion. The Agenda for the Future of Tourism in Iran
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Researchers of the tourism industry analyze new perspectives and challenges for developing tourism and hospitality in Iran. They cover the contextual setting, taxonomies and typologies of cultural and heritage tourism, visitors' perceptions of heritage setting and cultural attractions, emerging means of promotion and management, and the image of Iran and competitive positioning. Among their topics are encounters with Iranian culture: a critical incident approach in tourism, effects of museum visits on adolescents' motivation and satisfaction, social media and hotels in Iran: the online reputation of hotels on, a holistic analysis of the second-home tourism impact in the Caspian Sea region of Iran: perspectives of host communities, and Islamic and halal tourism in Iran: toward new horizons.
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Emerald Publishing Limited
421 gr
229 mm
152 mm
P, 06
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Antónia Correia is affiliated to Universidade Europeia, University of Algarve and CEFAGE, a Research Center awarded by the national science foundation in Portugal. Her research interests include tourism consumer behavior, marketing, and modelling. Metin Kozak is affiliated with Dokuz Eylul University, Turkey. He serves an Editorial Board Member on over 20 journals in tourism. He acts as Co-Editor of the journal Anatolia.  Ana Isabel Rodrigues is affiliated with the Polytechnic Institute of Beja, Portugal. Her research interests include visual methods and visual data analysis in tourism, destination image, experiential teaching theory, and innovative pedagogies in tourism classes.