Very important ideas based on extremely thorough empirical research...put him in the same camp as real heavyweights such as the Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz
- Misha Glenny, Guardian
Collier comes up with very concrete proposals and some ingenious solutions
The Times
Collier knows Africa intimately... It is hard to be unmoved by his anger about the world's blindness to realities, and his passion to do things better
- Max Hastings, Sunday Times
With its verve, wit and lateral thinking, this is a book that changes its readers' horizons
It is always a pleasure to discover Paul Collier's latest thoughts...always illuminating and grounded in rigorous social's gripping stuff
- Allister Heath, Literary Review
The author challenges a lot of lazy thinking about the trajectory that poor countries should take to improve their lot ... Mr Collier is thinking about these urgent and very difficult issues, something that not many people are willing to tackle head-on
The Economist
Unlike many academics Collier comes up with very concrete proposals and some ingenious solutions.
- Richard Beeston, The Times
Collier adopts an upbeat, indeed breezy style
- Stephen Howe, Independent
Realpolitik at its best
His recent Book <i>Wars, Guns and Votes</i>, is all the more remarkable in that it is based on impeccable scholarship and statistical analysis but remains highly readable and accessible
- Bruno Tertrais, Survival