<b>The shocking true story of the first British politician to stand trial for murder</b>
Publisher's description
<b>This is a brilliant, sad, startling nonfiction novel</b> about the Jeremy Thorpe murder-plot scandal. It is as funny and dark as anything by Evelyn Waugh or Jonathan Coe. And in these post Cyril Smith/Jimmy Saville days, it's so <b>timely and relevant</b>
Jon Ronson
<b>A terrific book and brilliantly researched. </b>John Preston writes wonderful dead-pan prose and reveals the depths of depravity, the absurd power of snobbery and the old boy networks of the time
- Claire Tomalin,
A brilliant exploration of an extraordinary political scandal... deeply researched, fluently written, and darkly comic,<b> it reads like a thriller</b>
- Ben Macintyre,
<b>I loved it; eccentric, dark, humane and English in the very best sense.</b> It's going to be a sure fire-hit
- Alain de Botton,
<b>The most forensic, elegantly written, compelling account</b> of one of the 20th century's great political scandals... a real page-turner'
<b>Very funny and endlessly extraordinary</b>... makes for amazing reading
- Catherine Shoard, Guardian
Impeccably researched... <b>full of shocks, surprises and laugh-out-loud moments. </b>Preston revives a forgotten era and delves into the personalities behind the headlines.
Times Crime Club
<b>Retold with masterful skill... It grips like a detective story</b>, as compelling as BBC2's <i>Life of Duty</i> and every bit as dirty in what it exposes about the upper echelons of society in the Sixties and Seventies
Daily Mail Book of the Week
This <b>brilliant account</b> made me feel I was hearing the tale for the first time ... Preston is <b>an enthralling narrator</b>
Mail on Sunday
<b>Gripping</b> ... cack-handed assassins, buffoonish policemen, dodgy Home secretaries and sozzled judges. <b>The conclusion of an Establishment cover-up is hard to avoid</b>
Daily Telegraph
<b>The unbelievable truth... </b>Preston is a natural storyteller ... he provides the context for actions that seem unbelievable today
The Times
<b>Wonderfully readable</b> ... <b>John Preston is the ideal author</b>, having researched for years many minor characters and talked to dozens of well-known political and literary friends and enemies of Thorpe
<b>Fluent, readable</b> ... <b>a vivid tableau</b> of the players in Thorpe's long, tragic downfall
Evening Standard
I spent a <b>thrilling</b> 48 hours reading it. <b>The narrative is so vivid, the characterisation so brilliant</b>... I thought I knew all about these events, but the full horror of them has only now become apparent
- Antonia Fraser,
<b>A gripping account</b> of the Jeremy Thorpe case. The details <b>make one laugh out loud or gasp with amazement</b>
- Charles Moore, Spectator
<b>The whole affair is retold here compellingly and fluently</b>, bringing to life the cast of characters with some verve
The i
Nothing comes close to the eyepopping outrageousness of the gay murder shenanigans that engulfed and almost destroyed a Liberal leader. <b>Reads like a comic thriller</b>
- Rachel Johnson,
<b>A wonderful, wonderful read</b>
- Nick Robinson, BBC Today Programme,