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Saqib Saeed is an assistant professor at the Computer Science department at Imam AbdulRahman Bin Faisal University Dammam, KSA. He has a Ph.D. in Information Systems from University of Siegen, Germany, and a Master’s degree in Software Technology from Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences, Germany. Dr. Saeed is also a certified software quality engineer from American Society of Quality. He is a member of advisory boards of several international journals besides being guest editor of several special issues. Dr. Saeed’s research interests lie in the areas of human-centered computing, computer supported cooperative work, empirical software engineering and ICT4D and he has more than 50 publications to his credit.
T. Ramayah is currently a Professor at the School of Management in USM. He teaches mainly courses in Research Methodology and Business Statistics and has also conducted training courses for the local government (Research Methods for candidatesdeparting overseas for higher degree, Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam). Apart from teaching, he is an avid researcher, especially in the areas of technology management and adoption in business and education. His publications have appeared in Computers in Human Behavior, Resources Conservation and Recycling, Journal of Educational Technology & Society, Direct Marketing: An International Journal, Information Development, Journal of Project Management (JoPM), Management Research News (MRN), International Journal of Information Management, International Journal of Services and Operations Management (IJSOM), Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management (ECAM) and North American Journal of Psychology. Having his contributions in research acknowledged, he is constantly invited to serve on the editorial boards and program committees of several international journals and conferences of repute. In addition, T. Ramayah has collaborated with noted companies from various disciplines of business through multiple consultancy projects. To date, his consulting experience includes research conducted for companies such as Tesco, World Fish Center, MIMOS etc. Next to consultancy projects, T. Ramayah is also actively involved in short term research grants. He has completed two research grants, one in the area of organizational behaviour and the other in the validation of a new methodology and has another ongoing research grant concerning the preservation of batik among Malaysians. As a person who believes in a well-balanced life, T. Ramayah is an active sportsman, playing hockey in the varsity team since his freshman years. He enjoys spending time with his wife, Sally and their children, and traveling to new places.
Zaigham Mahmood is a researcher and author. He is the author or editor of 14 books, six of which, focusing on the subject of Cloud Computing are published by Springer. Formally, a Reader in Applied Computing and Assistant Head of a Research Group inthe School of Computing University of Derby UK, he now supports the research activity in the School. Dr Mahmood is also a Technology Consultant at Debesis Education Derby UK, a Foreign Professor at NUST and IIUI Universities in Pakistan and Professor Extraordinaire at NW University in S Africa. Dr Mahmood has published over 100 articles in proceedings of international conferences and referred journals. Professor Mahmood is also the Editor-in-Chief of Journal of e-government Studies and Best Practices (JEGSBP), Associated Editor of IBIMA Conference proceedings as well as a member of editorial boards of several international conferences, journals and books. He has also organised conference tracks, special sessions and workshops; and given numerous guest lectures on Cloud Computing, emerging technologies and E-Government.