"Mark Davis is a great American, and this book is trying to rediscover a great America-by blasting through the crazy things people say, things that have made it harder for us to make our country stronger, safer, more prosperous. In one book, here are answers anyone can use when liberalism rears its head in conversation." -SEAN HANNITY, host of The Sean Hannity Show "Mark Davis succeeds at being the smartest guy in the room without ever being obnoxious about it. Written in his funny, warm, and always insightful style, Upside Down is a compendium of clarity that arrives right when we need it the most." -MIKE GALLAGHER, Salem Radio Network host and Fox News Contributor "Mark Davis's comprehensive and important guide explains the Left's agenda but also offers hope for the future, showing why, in the end, conservative ideas and policies are better for our children and our country." -WILLIAM J. BENNETT, former secretary of education and bestselling author "Mark Davis responds rationally, factually, and concisely to virtually every claim made for left-wing ideas and against conservative ideas. It could have been titled A Thesaurus of Progressive Nonsense. And that makes this one truly needed book." -DENNIS PRAGER, nationally syndicated radio talk show host, New York Times bestselling author, and founder of the Internet-based Prager University, which garners I 00 million views per year. "I've listened to my friend Mark Davis for years, and this book is like a hundred of his shows condensed into a readable book of replies when your beliefs are under fire." -ROBERT JEFFRESS, pastor, First Baptist Church of Dallas, and author of Not All Roads Lead to Heaven "We can have a greater nation if people honor God and the Constitution, respecting our Founding Fathers and our amazing history. The problem is that some very strange arguments from the Left have gotten in the way. Here's my friend Mark Davis with a wide, serious, yet enjoyable answer guide when people say things you know just aren't true." -MARK LEVIN, bestselling author and host of The Mark Levin Show